Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Water Off a Duck's Back

It has been over a month since my last post. Though I would prefer to get these articles out more frequently than that, I'm still quite pleased that I made it back to write at all. I've attempted two blogs in the past, both with intentions to keep them alive with writing that would be regular. But, alas, like a person who loves plants but fails to keep watering them, those blogs died almost as quickly as they were birthed by me.

Will this blog survive by my waterpot this time?

Time shall tell.

I can say, in the least, my enthusiasm for the theme of this blog continues strong. I think much potential rests within the shell of this bizarre theme: to improve the world by encouraging us to take longer showers.

If this is your first encounter with this blog, I encourage you to read below, especially a few of the earliest posts, for a theme as strange as I just shared needs some more background.

So where are you at with taking longer showers, with increasing, at least for a few seconds, that rare and precious time of reflection that a shower can provide?

Have you forgotten to reflect with intention in your showers of the past month? I confess. I have forgotten this intention, most of time. However, in the few times I did remember in the past few weeks, here's something that I found myself doing: I would turn off the shower, pull back the curtain, but before reaching for the towel and exiting that haven of reflection-potential, I heard this inner voice: "Don't grab the towel yet; just relax; stand here; give just a few moments of focus on the cool sensation you are feeling right now; relax your arms; feel the drops of water fall over your skin, randomly, without pattern."

So I did.

Before I share some of the pivotal moments I've had, how about you try it for the next day or so? I welcome you to post some thoughts that occur to you during that time.

On Thursday I'll share some of my experiences of standing there in the shower, like a duck with water literally dripping off its back. In the meantime, let us all be ducks for part of our day.


  1. Troy, I' experienceing a Quack attack! My own personal experience wth this matter happens in the form of soaking my feet...I soak not by choice, but by necessity...I'll spare you the details, but lets just say, that this fall i hope to show off my pretty toenails...the result of a liver killing prescription that only did half it's job and I'm letting the waters of Epsom Salt do the rest.....

    However, the forced nightly foot soaking has provided me a haven to do something I have not done for a long time---sit down and read, cup of tea, and a warm foot bath. The only problem is I"ve allowed facebook to creep into the scene...so thanks to you, I must once again commit myself to a contemplative foot bath....sans facebook....sans the many distractions of life

  2. Awesome, Schuan! I'm stoked I can help a brother out. Enjoy quacking with less distractions in that wonderful evening float upon the "lake" in your living room this evening and next :)

    Oh, and hopefully your little ducklings are asleep to help with the time of contemplative reflection...
